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Liên hệ: 0941.88.99.83 hoặc email: midtechvn@gmail.com - Mr. Hoàng Anh Quý!
Chi tiết: Radioactive contamination control of water and bottom sediments at depths up to 500 meters with GPS-referencing.
- Determination of spatial position of detection device during measurement
- Cable reel with a current feedthrough
- Display of measurement results on index maps of controlled radionuclides concentration or gamma radiation dose rate distribution
- Expert mode for instrument spectrum analysis with automatic identification of sample radionuclide content
- Expert "GARM" software for further data processing and analysis, and radiological mapping
Scintillation detector |
NaI(Tl) Ø63x63 mm
NaI(Tl) Ø63x160 mm
Energy range |
70 keV – 3 MeV
Identified radionuclides |
137Cs, 134Cs, 131I, 40K, 226Ra, 232Th
Extended library (add 60Co, 24Na, 54Mn, etc.) available on request
Measurement range of specific activity in water (4π geometry)
3 – 1·106 Bq/kg [134Cs, 137Cs, 131I]
250 – 2·104 Bq/kg [40K] |
1 – 1·106 Bq/kg [134Cs, 137Cs, 131I]
100 – 2·104 Bq/kg [40K] |
Extended library (add 60Co, 54Mn, etc.) available on request
Measurement range of specific activity in bottom sediments (2π geometry)
50 – 1·106 Bq/kg [134Cs,137Cs]
250 – 2·104 Bq/kg [40K] |
Typical resolution at 662 keV (137Cs) |
Measurement range of ambient dose equivalent rate |
0.03 – 130 µSv/h
0.03 – 50 µSv/h
Limits of tolerable intrinsic relative error |
±20% (for specific activity and dose rate measurement)
Typical sensitivity to 137Cs gamma radiation |
2350 cps/(µSv·h-1)
5100 cps/(µSv·h-1)
Protection class of the detection device |
IР68 (Withstands static hydraulic pressure up to 5 MPa for not less than 24 h)
Overall dimensions and weight of detection device |
Ø130x510 mm, 4.5 kg
Ø130x633 mm, 6.5 kg