Dịch vụ - Sản phẩm >> Thiết bị đo phóng xạ, đo tia X, gamma, neutron, beta, alpha >> MÁY QUANG PHỔ AТ1120МЕ

Liên hệ: 0941.88.99.83 hoặc email: midtechvn@gmail.com - Mr. Hoàng Anh Quý!
Chi tiết: - Tìm kiếm và phát hiện nhanh các nguồn bức xạ gamma với nhận dạng hạt nhân phóng xạ
Detection Unit (DU) |
Processing Unit (PU5) |
РU5 is a hand-held PC (HPC) with integrated detection module
Detector |
Scintillation SrI2(Eu) Ø38x38 mm (DU)
Geiger-Muller counter tube (PU5) |
Energy range |
20 keV – 3 MeV (DU)
60 keV – 3 MeV (PU5) |
Detectable activity of 137Cs source, located at the distance of 20 cm in a time not longer than 2 s |
(40±4) kBq (DU)
Typical resolution at 662 keV (137Cs) |
3.2% (DU)
Measurement range of ambient dose equivalent rate |
0.04 – 150 µSv/h (DU)
1 µSv/h – 100 mSv/h (PU5) |
Limits of tolerable intrinsic relative error |
±20% (DU, PU5)
Typical sensitivity to 137Cs gamma radiation |
850 cps/(µSv·h-1) (DU)
Energy dependence relative to 662 keV (137Cs) |
±20% (40 keV to 3 MeV) (DU)
-25% to +35% (60 keV to 3 MeV) (PU5) |
Response time for dose rate change from 0.1 to 1 µSv/h |
≤2 s (DU)
Protection class |
Overall dimensions, weight (assembled with handle) |
320х180х160 mm, 1.85 kg