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Dịch vụ - Sản phẩm  >>  Thiết bị đo phóng xạ, đo tia X, gamma, neutron, beta, alpha  >>  Hệ thống phân tích nhiễm bẩn gamma phóng xạ thực phẩm hiệu quả cao

Thiết bị đo phóng xạ, đo tia X, gamma, neutron, beta, alpha

Mô tả ngắn:High efficiency gamma analysis food screening system for radioactive contamination. This system includes a 2″ x 2″ Na/ detector with energy resolution< 8.5% or better for Cs-137 at 662 keV. The MCA is an Advanced Radiation Isotope Analyzer with full-featured multi-channel analyzer with 4096 channels, with Internal bias voltage supply. The data acquisition and control software is a full feature software that allows peak search, nuclide identification, and quantification. A Full-featured library editor with 7,479 gamma energies listed in the “Kocher Tables” is included. A high grade 2 inch high grade lead shield is provided with Copper and Tin graded liner . The dimensions are: 19 inch internal depth, 6 inch internal chamber diameter, and weighs 600 pounds.

Liên hệ: 0941.88.99.83 hoặc email: midtechvn@gmail.com - Mr. Hoàng Anh Quý!

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GAMMA SPEC 701 High efficiency gamma analysis screening system for radioactive contamination

GAMMA SPEC-701 spectroscopy system includes:

NaI Detector: 2-inch x 2-inch NaI with energy resolution < 8.5% or better for Cs-137 at 662 keV.
6-foot cable

Advanced Radiation Isotope Analyzer
-4096 channel full-featured multichannel analyzer
-Internal bias voltage supply: adjustable via software.

Desktop PC with Data Acquisition and Control Software

Software features include
-Advanced Peak search and Identification
-Full Qualitative and quantative Analysis
-Full-featured library editor with 7,479 gamma energies listed in the “Kocher Tables”

Lead Shield
2-inch low background with copper/tin graded liner.
19-inch internal chamber depth, 6-inch internal chamber diameter.

Check Source
Cs-137, 0.25 microCurie(uncalibrated), 1-inch diameter

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