Dịch vụ - Sản phẩm >> Thiết bị phát hiện và cảnh báo phóng xạ >> Hệ thống phát hiện bức xạ cầm tay RC2Plus

Liên hệ: 0941.88.99.83 hoặc email: midtechvn@gmail.com - Mr. Hoàng Anh Quý!
Chi tiết: The RC2PLUS is a lightweight, PVT based portable radiation detector that utilizes advanced spectral techniques to enhance sensitivity for reliable radiation detection. Available in two versions – Basic and Advanced.
The Basic version tracks the total count rate produced by all gamma energies during the scanning. The Advanced version utilizes both a PVT scintillator and Geiger-Mueller tube to perform Regions of Interest (ROI) analysis, which allows the operator to see the distributed gamma energies in a histogram form.
Options include:
- Docking Station
- Radon Detection
- Bluetooth