Dịch vụ - Sản phẩm >> Thiết bị đo phóng xạ, đo tia X, gamma, neutron, beta, alpha >> MÁY QUANG PHỔ AT6101CE (DÒNG DÒ BỨC XẠ ĐEO TÚI LƯNG)

Liên hệ: 0941.88.99.83 hoặc email: midtechvn@gmail.com - Mr. Hoàng Anh Quý!
Chi tiết: Tìm kiếm và phát hiện các nguồn bức xạ kín đáo với nhận dạng hạt nhân phóng xạ.
Gamma radiation detection units, scintillation detector |
BDKG-05S, SrI2(Eu) Ø38x38 mm
BDKG-35, plastic Ø70x150 mm |
Energy range |
20 keV – 3 MeV
Measurement range of ambient dose equivalent rate |
0.03 – 150 µSv/h
Limits of tolerable intrinsic relative error |
±20 %
Typical sensitivity to 137Cs gamma radiation |
4500 cps/(µSv·h-1)*
Detectable activity of 137Cs source, moving at the speed of 0.6 m/s and located at the distance of 1 m in a time not longer than 2 s |
350 kBq*
(95 % probability of source detection with false alarm rate not above 1 in 10 min) |
Alarm activation time |
<2 s
Typical resolution at 662 keV (137Cs) |
3.2 % (BDKG-05S)
Identified radionuclides (Library contents can be modified on request) |
Industrial, natural, medical
Neutron radiation detection unit, detector |
BDKN-05M, Two Не-3 proportional counters Ø30x360 mm in polyethylene moderator
Energy range |
0.025 eV – 14 MeV
Typical sensitivity to 252Cf neutron radiation |
20 cps/(neutron·s-1·cm-2)
Detectable activity of Pu-Be source, located at the distance of 1.25 m in a time not longer than 3 s |
(5.00±1.25)∙104 neutron/s
(95 % probability of source detection with false alarm rate not above 1 in 1 h) |
Protection class |
IР55 (backpack)
IР65 (case) |
Overall dimensions, weight** |
520X380x220 mm, 7.5 kg (backpack)
594X473x215 mm, 16 kg (case) |
* Configuration with BDKG-05S and BDKG-35 detection units
** Configuration with BDKG-05S, BDKG-35 and BDKN-05M detection units