Mô tả ngắn:Hệ thống phát hiện phóng xạ với cường độ gamma thấp và mật độ vật chất cao RC3000
Giá bán : thỏa thuận, vui lòng liên hệ: 0976 275 983/ 0941 88 99 83, email: midtechvn@gmail.com - Mr. Hoàng Anh Quý!
Chi tiết:
Monitoring the Off-Gas/Dust Collection System for radiation emissions, provides critical information that plant personnel need in order to take corrective actions in the event of an accidental smelting of a radioactive source. This will help minimize the spread of radioactive material and unnecessary exposure to radioactive dust.
Off-Gas/Dust Collection systems can have multiple detection units situated at strategic points on the off-gas/dust collection system. Each detector assembly includes state-of-the-art scintillation material and electronic hardware that allows maximum detection capability to be achieved for low level radiation emissions in a dynamic or static mode.
Systems can be based on RC4000 PVT and RC7000 crystal technology, as well as including neutron detection.